Manned guarding ensures your project/premises/personnel can be protected from unauthorised access, damage, and theft. At GRC Group we fully understand that security can often seem like an unnecessary step until it is needed, with this in mind we ensure to tailor all measures to ensure they are cost-effective and proportionate to the risk at hand.
GRC Group’s team of security guards provide an industry leading manned guard service that can be tailored to our clients’ requirements, providing them with a comprehensive guarding solution. As part of our service, we can conduct a detailed assessment of a clients existing security measures and help to develop a solution that ideal for their needs.
Our security team is primarily recruited from members of the armed forces and former police officers. Their presence on your project will ensure security issues are dealt with in real-time and will provide protection from unauthorised visitors. With access to a range of modern robust equipment and technologies, the GRC security team of licensed security guards can handle any situation.
The recruitment of our guards combined with our customer focused approach means our clients receive a high-quality service. The services GRC Group offers for manned guarding includes:
- Manned guarding
- Gate guards
- Site patrols
- Security reporting
- Mobile patrolling & response vehicles
- Emergency security teams
- Search teams
- Concierge services