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National Coverage England & Wales
Animal & Equine

Animal & Livestock Enforcement

With the increased costs associated with Livestock farming in the UK, there has been an increase in the number of cases of animals & livestock being abandoned on land, often leaving landowners struggling to legally remove these animals. Livestock that is not regularly tended to can cause significant damage to their surroundings and can risk their own welfare, along with posing a risk to traffic and passers-by should they break free.

Using our extensive experience, legal team, and logistics chain, GRC Group can assist with the safe removal of livestock that have abandoned on land and the management of livestock prior to removal, ensuring their welfare requirement are met and helping to reduce the risks to members of the public. Often this can include requesting new livestock passports, ear tags, conducting TB testing and humane dispatch if required.

With a well-trained firearms team with a military marksman background, the successful dispatch at range in the event animals cannot be approached can be achieved. The Animal & Equine team also operates a dart projector (Dart Rifle) that can be used to assist with the capture of difficult animals.

GRC Group operates a collection of specialist night vision and thermal optics allowing for day/night operations along with operation in adverse weather conditions.

Working alongside the RPA and DEFRA, GRC Group work to find the best solution for any problem.

Redefining Security: Providing Expert Consultancy Services Beyond the Ordinary.


Head Office & Accounts: Redland House, 157 Redland Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 6YE

(Registered Office: 6 Lower Park Row, Bristol, BS1 5BJ)

Contact Us
0333 3443710

GRC Group, GRC Bailiffs & Enforcement and GRC Security are trading names of GRC (Legal Services) Ltd which is registered in England under the company registration number 5053101.

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